Parasites can strike at any time and there’s none more dangerous that Spirocerca Lupi (the silent killer). This parasite is a deadly worm that lives in a dog’s oesophagus after a long journey through the body. On its journey to the target organs (oesophagus and aorta) S. lupi causes serious damage. Understanding the lifecycle of this killer as well as a monthly deworming treatment plan will help prevent an infestation.
The parasite is ingested by your pet consuming lizards or dung beetles – not bird droppings. Once the lizards or dung beetles are swallowed, the parasite eggs hatch in your pets stomach and form a nodule in the oesophagus. If this nodule is left untreated, it will cause cancer or a tumour in the throat.
This disease is not always that easy to diagnose. Advanced spirocercosis that has become cancerous and spreads into the body and cannot be cured.
Early diagnosis of a S.Lupi infestation is challenging due to non-specific clinical signs. The adult worm can live up to 2 years in the oesophagus before turning the benign nodules into deadly cancerous growths. S. Lupi is often called the “silent killer” due its ability to cause sudden deaths with no outward signs of illness. By the time your pet shows symptoms of this parasite infestation, it may just be too late.
This is a life threatening illness if left unattended.
Please see a vet immediately if your pet is displaying any of these symptoms:
- Vomiting or white foam around the mouth
- Vomiting ingested food straight after eating
- Struggling to eat dry food
- Repetitive swallowing actions
- Enlarged nymph nodes in the neck
- Severe weight loss
- Shortness of breath
Your pet will starve to death, if this parasite infestation is not treated – Prevention is essential!! Sudden death may occur with no outward signs of ill health
Prevention is better than cure. A monthly deworming treatment plan along with keeping your garden free of dog faeces are essential to keep your pets safe from S.Lupi. Dung should be removed from the garden on a daily basis to prevent it from being a source of infection for other dogs, as well as dung beetles & transport hosts.
- Monthly deworming treatments are essential to prevent infection with this deadly parasite
- Daily removal and disposal of dog faeces from your garden is important
Please consult your vet for the preventative treatment as follows:
- Treat your pet for a month with Ivermectin or Milbemycin to kill the parasite
- Follow up with a monthly treatment of Nexgard Spectra or Milpro – specifically formulated to kill ticks, fleas, worm and mites
- Supermarket remedies do not contain the correct active ingredients to treat a throat worm infestation
Prevention is essential
For detailed information on this dangerous parasite visit :