How do I know my cat’s teeth are healthy?
How sure are you that your cat’s teeth are healthy? Diseases of the teeth and gums are common in cats.
How sure are you that your cat’s teeth are healthy? Diseases of the teeth and gums are common in cats.
“Owning a dog is not just a privilege-it’s a responsibility.” Whether you own a dog or a cat one thing is for sure, owning that pet comes with great responsibility.
Pet dental care is often overlooked. Dental disease is one of the most common diseases diagnosed by vets.
Biliary is one of the most common types of infectious disease that can affect a dog. It spreads mainly in the warm climate. Ticks can be harmful to both animals as well as humans.
There’s no right or wrong answer, as long as you’re not doing any harm. You know your dog’s temperament better than anyone. If they have the patience and don’t mind an occasional fashion show, go for it! Many dogs enjoy the extra attention. Then again, is your pet shy or sensitive? It’s probably not a great idea.
Many people think that puppies just know how to walk properly on a leash, but this skill is something that needs to be taught to your puppy. It’s an important skill to teach, and one you’ll value every time you take your puppy out for a walk. Here are some tips to help you teach your puppy how to walk on a leash.
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and Feline leukaemia (FeLV) are among the most common infectious diseases in cats and can be caused through fighting.
When cats urinate outside the litter box, there could be several explanations. Your cat might urinate on the carpet, on the wall behind the litter box, on the floor in front of the box, or even in the bathtub. If your cat is urinating everywhere but in the litter box, you’ll need to determine why your cat is urinating in these places.
There are many ways your dog can be poisoned – Be informed, be careful, and be prepared!
Your veterinarian understands the companion and relationship you have lost.